The trail modifier adds shooting star-like trails to your object. It can be combined with animation modifiers to create striking effects.
Sample Scene
Below is a sample scene using the trail modifier:
How to Use the Trail Modifier
Create a Scene
First, open STYLY Studio and create a new scene using either the VR or AR Scene Template.
Next, place a model in the STYLY scene.
If your model has no movement, add animation to your model by clicking the gear icon >add modifier > applying any [animation] modifier.
Modify the values of the animation and scale/move your object to adjust the animation to your preference.
To learn more about animation modifiers, refer to the article below:
Now that we have our object animated, let us add a trail modifier.
From the gear icon, click Add modifier again, and this time, search for [Effect]TrailRenderer_ in the search bar. Select any modifier from the list of trail modifiers.
Adjust the modifier values and click “apply” to save the changes.
Time | Sets the lifetime of the trail in seconds |
Width | Sets the width of the trail |
Color | Sets the color of the trail |
List of Available Trail Modifiers
Below is a list of the trail modifiers available to use in your STYLY scene:
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Certified (QA) by Shota Shawn Yoshizawa
Edited by SASAnishiki
Translated by cpnnn