vineFrames : Breakdown ​

Hi, SenstiveCube here! This entry shows that the breackdown of the vineFlames. with 3dsmax, unity, shaderForge and STYLY.
vineFrames : Breakdown ​
This figure shows the modeling procedure with 3dsmax.
Screen, vines, and plane-ish mesh for leaves.
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Vine and leaves are same method : Create base object and deform along the line twice.
Create the long plane.
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Deform it with Path Deform with twisted spline.vineFrames : Breakdown ​
Add othre deformer called Path Deform Binding. using circle spline this time.
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set uv to the objects. The screen object, make sure the both sides look correct.
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Simply export to fbx file.
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So, move to unity.
There are three materials and shaders, vine, screen, leaves.
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Vime material use PBR shader.
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screen material’s shader is simple unlit shader. Using base color map only.
leaves share is the key. It’s animated with vertex offset.
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Connect noise texture to vetex offset and add uv animation.
Also Double side is needed.
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When animated the texture, vertex will move like wave.
It’s simple but effective.
Tweak the parameters of the material until you are satisfied, It will be done!
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You can make othre shapes with same method. Enjoy!

vineFrames : Breakdown ​