[Unity] Convert Humanoid FBX File into VRM

In this article, we will introduce how to convert an FBX humanoid avatar file into VRM!

Installing UniVRM

Open Unity. The conversion of FBX to VRM is done within Unity.

If you want to upload your model to STYLY, make sure to check the supported Unity version here:
STYLY Plugin for Unity DOWNLOAD

To handle VRM files in Unity, first, import UniVRM.
Download the latest .unitypackage from the following site:


Opening the URL will bring up a page like the one below. Select the latest version.

Downloading UniVRM

Downloading UniVRM


Once downloaded, open a new Unity project.

Double-click the UniVRM .unitypackage file to import it into Unity. A window will appear as shown below; click “All” and then “Import”.

Importing UniVRM

Importing UniVRM


Now you can handle VRM files in Unity!


Adjusting the Model Data

Bone Adjustments

Import the FBX model you want to convert to VRM into Unity. Be sure to include the texture files as well.

Drag and drop the files into the Assets folder in the Project window.

Select the imported model, go to the Inspector, navigate to the “Rig” tab, set “Animation Type” to “Humanoid”, and click “Apply”.

Selecting Humanoid

Selecting Humanoid


After clicking “Apply”, the “Configure…” button will become clickable. Click it to open another scene.

In this scene, check the bones. Red indicates errors; if no red is visible, click “Done” to return to the original scene.

If red errors appear, you need to fix them. The automatic bone recognition during FBX import may sometimes cause errors.

Checking Bones

Checking Bones: Errors Detected


In the bone settings, bones with a solid circle (red) are essential, while those with a dotted circle (blue) are optional.

Essential and Optional Bones

Essential and Optional Bones

If errors occur, use this as a reference.

Once the necessary adjustments are made, click “Apply” and then “Done”.


Setting Up Materials

Once the bones are properly configured, place the object in the scene.

Adjust the material shader settings.

The default materials assigned to the model do not allow shader changes, so create new materials and assign them.

To create a material, right-click in the Project Window, select “Create > Material”, and drag and drop it onto the model in the Scene view.

Assign textures in the red-marked area of the screenshot below.

Assigning Textures

Assigning Textures

Select the newly created material, go to the Inspector, and change the Shader to one of the VRM options.

VRM officially recommends using either the “Standard” shader or one from the VRM category.


Changing Shader

Changing Shader

In this case, the MToon shader was used. A common choice is “UnlitTexture”.

It is best to select multiple materials at once and modify them all together.


Exporting to VRM

Once everything is confirmed, select the object in the Hierarchy, then navigate to “VRM > UniVRM > Export humanoid” from the menu.

Exporting to VRM

Exporting to VRM

Enter the author’s name in the “Author” field, check all boxes, and click “Export”.

Entering Author Information

Entering Author Information

After export, the VRM prefab and additional folders will be created in the Assets directory.

VRM Settings

VRM Settings


Uploading to STYLY

If you want to upload your converted avatar to STYLY, follow these steps.

Download and import the STYLY Unity plugin:

Enter your email and API key.

Setting API Key

Setting API Key

Drag the VRM object in the Hierarchy to the Assets folder to create a prefab.

Creating Prefab

Creating Prefab

Right-click the prefab and select “STYLY > Upload Prefab or Scene to STYLY”.

Uploading to STYLY

Uploading to STYLY

After uploading, your model will be available in STYLY under “Assets > 3D Models > My Models”.