This time, we will introduce how to fix the rotation and movement of objects grabbed in STYLY for Vision Pro.
Move with axis constraint
Rotate with axis constraint
Move with Axis Constraint
Prepare an object with XRGrabInteractable attached.
This time, we will use a Cube.

We will allow movement along only the X-axis.
Check all boxes in Rigidbody’s Freeze Rotation. Then, check Freeze Position for all axes except the one you want to move.
Then, check Is Kinematic. Since we want it to float in the air, we unchecked Use Gravity.

Rotate with Axis Constraint
Similarly, prepare an object with XR Grab Interactable attached.
This time, we will allow rotation only on the X-axis.
Check all boxes in Rigidbody’s Freeze Position. Then, check Freeze Rotation for all axes except the one you want to rotate.
Then, check Is Kinematic. Since we want it to float in the air, we unchecked Use Gravity.

In the example, we implemented it by rotating the Inspector’s Rotation by 45 degrees.
We have introduced how to fix the rotation and movement of grabbed objects.