[Unity] How to make an Object Transparent

In this article, we will explain how to make objects transparent.


Sample Scene


An object with equal transparency for the entire cube


An object with varying transparencies

How to Make an Object Transparent

How to Create Materials with Transparency

Right-click on the Project window and select Create>Material.


Select Create>Material

Let’s rename the material “Transparent Material.”
Next, select Transparent Material, and from the Inspector window, set the Rendering Mode from Opaque to Fade.

Rendering Modeを「Opaque」から「Fade」に変更

Change the Rendering Mode from Opaque to Fade

Then, Click the white box next to Main Maps>Albedo and open the color picker.


Open the color picker

Adjust the Alpha value to somewhere between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (fully opaque).


Adjust the Alpha Value

Now, drag and drop the Transparent Material onto your object in the scene.

Transparent Materialをオブジェクトにドラッグ&ドロップ

Drag and drop the Transparent Material onto your object

With this, your object has become transparent.


Left: the completed transparent object

Using Images with Transparency as Textures

Next, we will use an image with transparency as a texture.
After selecting your image, drag and drop it into the Projects window.


Drag and drop the image into the Projects window

Then, drag and drop the image that was added to the Project window onto your object.


Drag and drop the image that was added to the Project window onto your object.

Next, select the object with the image applied, and go to the Inspector window to switch the Rendering Mode to Fade.

Rendering Modeを「Opaque」から「Fade」に変更

Change the Rendering Mode from Opaque to Fade

Side note: Here, you can also change the transparency of your entire object by opening the color picker and adjusting the alpha values.

With this, you have successfully made your object transparent. This method can also be used to make an object with different transparencies.


The completed object with different transparencies

In this article, we explained two methods for making objects transparent.
We hope you will try your hand at making transparent objects for your scenes.

Uploading to STYLY

Let’s upload your 3D model to STYLY.

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How to upload from Unity to STYLY:

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Certified (QA) by Shota Shawn Yoshizawa
Edited by SASAnishiki
Translated by cpnnn