[Unity / NavMesh] Using AI to Create 3D Models that Move Automatically

In this article, I will show you how to combine Unity’s NavMeshAgent and PlayMaker to create a 3D model that automatically moves to its destination in a STYLY scene. Therefore, you can easily create an active scene with movement by using this function.


What we will create this time will be a scene in which a 3D model automatically moves to another position.
In the following scene, you can see how NavMesh can be used to create movement.

What is NavMesh?

NavMesh is a feature of Unity that allows you to create 3D models that move around the scene using AI.
You can not only move the model to the destination, but also set the movement of the model along the way in detail. It is also possible to add complex movements such as avoiding obstacles.

How to use NavMesh

In this article, we will use this feature to create a scene where Capsule is heading to the Sphere position while avoiding obstacles.
In this article, we will use an asset called PlayMaker. Therefore, please install PlayMaker beforehand.

Create a stage and change it to NavigationStatic

Overview of the stage

Overview of the stage

Place a Plane (the stage) and a Cube (the walls) in your scene.
Next, change the stage to “NavigationStatic” in the Inspector.

Change the Stage to NavigationStatic

Change the Stage to NavigationStatic

Bake to adjust the walkable area.

Then, open the Navigation window from Menu > Window > AI > Navigation, and press the Bake button on the Bake tab.

Explanation of the Navigation position

Explanation of the Navigation position

Then, the range that can be moved will be displayed in light blue.

Explanation of the baked range

Explanation of the baked range

Adjust the movable range by changing the AgentRadius on the Bake tab, and do not forget to bake after changing the Radius.

Set up the destination in Capsule using PlayMaker

Create the 3D model that you want to move (Capsule in this case) and the 3D model that you want to move to (Sphere in this case).

Description of the created 3D model

Description of the created 3D model

Add the component “NavMeshAgent” to the Capsule. various settings exist for the Agent. There are various settings for the Agent, which will be explained in detail later.

Explanation of the NavMeshAgent component

Explanation of the NavMeshAgent component

Set up PlayMaker by adding FSM to Capsule, as shown in the image below.

Capsule FSM settings (1)

Capsule FSM settings (1)

Capsule FSM settings (2)

Capsule FSM settings (2)

This time, we are creating a movement that acquires the destination Position and sets it as the destination at startup.
Note that the target object of the action SetProperty must be set to the NavMeshAgent component of Capsule.
When the play button is pressed in this state, we will see that Capsule moves to the Sphere location.

Agent parameters

NavMeshAgent has a number of parameters related to motion, which can be adjusted to set the detailed motion.
Please refer to the official documentation for detailed explanations of the setting items.

Placing Obstacles

You can also place obstacles on the baked plane to make the 3D model go around them.

Place a 3D model as an obstacle

Let’s place an obstacle in the stage, as shown in the image below.

Scene after placing the obstacle

Scene after placing the obstacle

Add the component “NavMeshObstacle” to the obstacle.

Explanation of NavMeshObstacle component

Explanation of NavMeshObstacle component

Although the Capsule can avoid obstacles in this state, it will be able to avoid them more smoothly by checking the Carve checkbox of the NavMeshObstacle component.


As described above, NavMesh enables us to easily create 3D models with motion.
In addition, although there was only one destination in this scene, it is possible to create unpredictable movements by setting multiple destinations to patrol a certain area or by randomizing the destinations.
Please try using NavMesh to expand the range of your expression.

How to upload to STYLY

Let’s upload your completed scene to STYLY.

Create a STYLY account

How to create a STYLY account

How to upload 3D model to STYLY

How to upload from Unity to STYLY


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