How to Generate and Export a Strange Attractor from your Browser

This article explains how to visualize attractors and export them as 3D models.
You may have heard of the Lorenz attractor; however, as it is complex and requires specialized knowledge, I will not go into the details of what an attractor is.

For this article, we will use Strange Attractors, a website created by Mikael H Christensen (@SyntopiaDK) to generate attractors in the browser.
You can choose a base attractor and adjust the parameters to change its shape. The attractor can then be exported as 3D OBJ data or rendered as a PNG image.


How to Use Strange Attractors

Changing the Shape

To get started, open the website to generate an attractor.
Strange Attractors

Strange Attractor by Mikael H Christensen

Strange Attractors by Mikael H Christensen

Adjust the parameters to change the shape of the attractor.


The parameters for the Aizawa Attractor


Adjusting the parameters to change the shape

The attractor preset can be changed by clicking the text link beside “Attractor”.
With only these two operations, you can easily change the shape of your attractor.



Changing the preset attractor

Render Settings




Bloom Turn bloom on and off
Vignette Turn vignette on and off
SSAO Turn occlusion on and off
Film Turn scan lines on and off

▼Bloom and Exposure

Bloom and Exposure

Bloom and Exposure

Exposure Adjust the exposure
Bloom threshold Adjust the bloom threshold
Bloom strength Adjust the bloom strength
Bloom radias Adjust the bloom radius




Metalness   Adjust the metalness
Clear Coat Adjust the clear coat value
CC Roughness Adjust the clear coat roughness
Reflectivity Adjust the reflectivity
Roughness Adjust the roughness
Color Change the color
Ground Color Change the ground color
Wireflame View in wireframe mode




Steps   Adjust the attractor’s steps
Radius Adjust the attractor’s radius
Step Size Adjust the attractor’s step size
Tube facets Adjust the tube facets (the larger the value, the smoother the faces)
Rebuild Applies the changes made to the geometry

▼Scan Lines

Scan Lines

Scan Lines

Noise level Adjust the noise level
Scan lines Adjust the thickness of the scan lines

▼SSAO(Screen Space Ambient Occlusion)

SSAO(Screen Space Ambient Occlusion)

SSAO(Screen Space Ambient Occlusion)

Only AO Enable only AO(ambient occlusion)
AO radius Adjust the AO radius
AO clamp Adjust the AO clamping
Lum influence Adjust the AO luminance
Show FPS Displays the FPS

Rendering the Image

Select “More…” at the left top of the screen and click “Save attractor as image (PNG)” to download the rendered image.

Save attraactor as image(PNG)

Save attractor as an image in PNG format

Exporting the 3D Model

Click “Save attractor as 3D (OBJ)” to download the attractor model.

Save attraactor as 3D(OBJ)

Save attractor as a 3D Object in OBJ format

Uploading to STYLY

Create a STYLY account:

How to create an account:

How to upload to STYLY:

How to upload from Unity to STYLY:

Changing the Color of your Attractor

By using STYLY Modifiers, you can easily change the color of your attractor.
You can add a modifier by clicking on the gear icon on the right side of the object in the menu screen. In this article, I used “[Style change] Marble gray flat”.

For more information on STYLY Modifiers including [Style Change], please refer to these articles.

Once the 3D model is uploaded, you can place it in your STYLY scene and it will appear something like this.
That’s it for this article!

For questions about STYLY, bug reports, and improvement requests, please contact the STYLY FORUM:

Certified (QA) by Shota Shawn Yoshizawa
Edited by SASAnishiki
Translated by cpnnn