This article introduces 3D artist yunbomu’s work death don’t die.
Yunbomu is a graphic designer and illustrator who participated in NEWVIEW CYPHER 2021, where he created his first VR work.
First, we will introduce yunbomu’s career as an artist, and then we will share the author’s discussion of key points that in appreciating yumbomu’s work.
This article will allow you to enjoy and understand his work more.

death don’t die
About yunbomu

Yunbomu was born in 1993 in Busan. She graduated from Tokyo Zokei University. She Shalso does graphic design and paints. She was a finalist in the 17th “1_WALL” graphic category.
(Cited from NEWVIEW CYPHER official website )
For the 17th Graphic “1_WALL” exhibition in 2017, She created a work about the self, using her herown house as a motif.
The 17th Graphic “1_WALL” Exhibition] ⑥Yunbum “Park Hatagaya 209” I don’t feel at home even when I return to a place that can be called my original home. This work depicts the relationship between me, a tasteless person floating in the house, and my room.
— Guardian Garden (@guardiangarden) October 1, 2017
Her unique tactile graphics, illustrations, and paintings are imbued with a sense of marginality and inorganic quality, yet they are also impactful.
About death don’t die
Most of yunbomu’s recent works are created as digital data.
She constructs spaces based on abstract objects and images of people drawn in Photoshop, Illustrator, and other software.

She draws images of objects and people with a distinctive touch, creating pieces that are somehow eerie yet strong.
She arranges 2D and 3D objects in space in a collage-like manner, and the blackish-red color of the background enhances the world view.
The title of this piece is death don’t die. In the past, she produced a zine titled, the dead don’t die.
Dead people don’t die. That’s where I live.
(Cited from yunbomu’s Instagram )
In her works, yunbomu captures the surroundings of his life as one world and creates them in his artwork.
Yunbomu lives in Tokyo. Tokyo is a very well-developed city. Streets are paved, and houses, apartments, and condominiums are well built.
Convenience stores are open 24 hours a day.
However, it is difficult to see the image represented in yunbomu’s work as a positive one.

When I first saw this piece, I imagined “hell” based on the colors and arrangement of objects.
Most Japanese paintings depicting hell have a bird’s eye view of people being punished in hell, surrounded by flames.
Yunbomu’s work also depicts a variety of people in one large space.
What is different from other Japanese hell pictures is that yumbomu arranges objects three-dimensionally with blank space around them.
This blank space is “emptiness,” which makes the entire space feel like “chaos.”

Chaos placed in the margins
The instability, frustration, and eeriness of society that yunbomu depicts ooze out not only from the objects but also in the margins and undrawn areas.
Yunbomu commonly uses blank spaces, not only in his VR works, but also in her 2D graphics.
Eeriness emerges from the objects because of the white base color.
This eeriness can be perceived as depicting the chaos of modern society.
How to experience a VR scene
If you are accessing this page from a smartphone, please click on the “Experience the Scene” button (*If you are experiencing the scene on a smartphone for the first time, please also refer to the following instructions).
After clicking, the following screen will be displayed.
If you have already downloaded the STYLY Mobile app, please select “Continue on Browser”.
You can then select “Play on Mobile App” to experience the scene.
If you have an HMD device, click the “Experience the Scene” button from your PC (web browser), then click the VR icon on the scene page.
Download the STYLY Mobile app
Download the Steam version of STYLY app
Download the Oculus Quest version of STYLY app
For those who want to know more about how to experience the scene
For more information on how to experience VR scenes, please refer to the following article.