
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Debuts “Digital Twin” Project – A Virtualized Tokyo

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has just launched the “Tokyo 3D Visualization Demonstration Project” aiming to create “digital twin” technology that converts real space into digital data. This project is meant to solve complex social issues, improve the quality of life, and boost the earning power of Tokyo.

What is a digital twin?

This means various elements that comprise a city such as an infrastructure like buildings and roads, economic activities, and flow of people are reproduced in cyberspace like a virtual “twin.” These elements are acquired and then compiled using real data from a variety of sensors.


Proposed Effect:

1. Quicker real-time understanding of urban conditions in physical space (real space) based on virtual analysis.

2. Readily analyze and simulate a variety of future outcomes and consequences using the latest real-time data.

3. Positive feedback of results from visualization, analysis, and simulation of the digital twin to real space can help to improve or solve problems of current urban conditions in numerous ways.

In 2020, the “Tokyo 3D Visualization Demonstration Project” created 3D city models for Nishi-Shinjuku (West Shinjuku), Shibuya, and Roppongi areas accelerating the highly anticipated realization of urban “digital twins.” Simulations were conducted using these digital twins to demonstrate the effects from urban activities and disaster prevention. For example, a demonstration of urban activities based on GPS location information was used to understand the changes in the moving population on a road-by-road basis before and after a state of emergency. The results of this simulation can ultimately help to save more lives in the event of a major or catastrophic natural disaster. More simulations for different urban conditions are planned as the Tokyo “Digital Twin” expands.


Japanese article: https://www.moguravr.com/tokyo-digital-twin/