STYLY Session Function Manual: Overview

In this manual, we will introduce how to use the “STYLY Session Function” in three parts (Overview/How to Hold a Session/How to Join a Session).

What is STYLY Session?

By using the STYLY Session function, multiple people can experience the same scene simultaneously, with the “host” acting as a guide.
By registering multiple scenes in the Session information, you can switch between scenes as a group.

*The Session function is available in all STYLY plans: free (Artist plan), Pro plan, and Pro Unlimited plan.

Session function usage image

Session function usage image

Introducing the Function

The following is a basic description of the Session function.

When you Host a Session

  • You can create a Session by specifying multiple scenes to be included in the Session from STYLY Studio (Session Management Screen).
  • We recommend no more than five scenes in a Session, because the more scenes you add, the more you will need to download at the start of Session.
  • Multiple “guests” can join a Session and communicate with each other in the same scene, for example, by talking via voice chat.
  • We recommend that the maximum number of participants in a session is 10 or less due to the load.
  • In order to connect to a Session from a remote location that is different from the Session host’s network, the remote guest must be logged in.

Session Management Screen

When you Join a Session

  • Guests can join the Session via the STYLY XR Client* / STYLY Session Web version / STYLY App for Smartphones
  • Guests can join the Session from remote locations.
    • If you join the Session from a STYLY XR client, you can join from the same network even if you are not logged in (STYLY account).
  • All participants, including a guest, can perform the following operations.
    • Mute your own voice in voice chat.
    • Leave the Session
  • All participants, including a guest, are allowed to move within the Session.
    • The method of movement depends on the platform you are using.
      • With STYLY XR client, teleport movement by controller.
      • In the web version of STYLY session, you can move by keyboard (W, A, S, D, Q, E keys and cursor keys) and mouse drag (rotation).
      • With the STYLY app for smartphones, you can use the joystick in the lower left corner of the screen and swipe (rotate) the screen to move.
Multiple people join the session.

Multiple people join the session.

The others

  • When using the Session function in the same network, it is possible to use it in a non-logged-in state (STYLY account). (STYLY XR client only)
  • Only with the STYLY app for Daydream, by using the pass-through function, you can gather in the real space and display 3D objects there through scene transition and experience them together.

    *STYLY XR Client refers to the general term for the following STYLY applications.

    • Steam version of STYLY app
    • VIVEPORT version of STYLY app
    • Oculus Mobile version of STYLY app
    • Daydream version of STYLY app
    • Pico version of STYLY app
    • Nreal version of STYLY app

Role of Session Participants

The roles of the Session participants are introduced below.

Session Owner

The creator (owner) of the session information.
The Session owner always has a host authority. They can also grant a host authority to other participants.
There will be an H mark above the voice indicator.

Session Owner

Session Owner

If you are the session owner (host), please make sure to join the session with the STYLY XR client / Web version STYLY.
You cannot become a host in the Smartphone version of STYLY App.


A host has a host authority and is responsible for various operations such as scene transitions.
Other participants can also become a host by giving the session owner the host authority.
The avatar can be changed by linking with the VRoidHub avatar.

(Avatar linkage is currently only available for PCVR. Please refer to the Session Owner Manual for details)


Guest is a visitor.
A guest can move his own avatar in the session, mute his own voice in voice chat, or leave the session.



Platforms that Support the Session Function

Correspondence table for each platform and Session function:



Web version STYLY session

STYLY app for smartphones

Operations for the host



Not possible

Join as a non-logged-in user
(STYLY account)

(Only within the same network.)

Not possible

Not possible

Display format

binocular stereopsis



How to move


cursor key
Turning the mouse wheel
No movement restrictions

In-screen joystick
Swipe to rotate
Follow the collider.
Travel range similar to teleportation

How to Join

Join from VR in-app operation (SessionID)
URL scheme


dynamic link
QR code

Display availability of 
VRoidHub avatar


Not shown.
(They all look like string avatars)


Correspondence table of various apps and supported devices

App Name

Supported devices


Steam version STYLY app
VIVEPORT version STYLY app

Valve Index
VIVE Cosmos
VIVE Cosmos Elite
Oculus Rift / Rift S
Oculus Quest (Oculus Link利用時)
Windows Mixed Reality

Oculus Mobile version

Oculus Quest
Oculus Quest2

Pico version STYLY app

Pico neo 3

Nreal version STYLY app


Web version STYLY session

Web browser
Google Chrome recommended
(only PC)


Smartphone version STYLY app



*The Session function is a beta. The appearance and function may change without notice.

STYLY Session Function Manual “How to Host a Session” (for a Session owner)

In the “How to Host a Session” section, we introduce the process of hosting a Session, how to edit a Session, and how to link VRoidHub (for using avatars).

STYLY Session Function Manual “How to Join a Session” (for guests)

In the “How to Join a Session” section, we introduce the process of joining a Session for each device, and how to operate the device during the Session.

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