Unity Plugin for STYLY How to resolve the error when uploading

In this article, we’ll look at some of the errors that occur when uploading a prefab scene in Unity, and how to fix them.
If you get an error when trying to upload Unity assets, please refer to this article.

Errors of STYLY Plugin for Unity

Errors of STYLY Plugin for Unity

What is the Unity Plugin for STYLY?

STYLY allows you to upload prefabricated scenes created in Unity.
The plugin used for this is the “Unity Plugin for STYLY”.

Please refer to the following article for how to upload.

What causes the STYLY upload process to take so long?

The role of the Unity Plugin for STYLY is not only to upload prefab scenes to STYLY.
It also processes the prefab scenes to make them work on multiple platforms.
Without this process, the assets uploaded to Unity will not be reflected on STYLY.
It may take some time to upload, but we are trying to make it as convenient as possible so that as many people as possible can enjoy XR on STYLY.

Preliminary check

Make sure your Unity version is STYLY recommended

STYLY Plugin for Unity is compatible with Unity 2019.
You can’t upload without using the corresponding Plugin.

Unity 2019.4.x and 2019.3.x, and the recommended version is [Unity 2019.4.29f1].

Are the required modules installed?

In order to use the STYLY Plugin for Unity, there are some modules that need to be installed in Unity beforehand.
If the module is not installed, an error message will be displayed in red letters in the setting window as shown below.

Error when Module is not installed

Install the module and then upload it again.
As for the required modules, they are listed in the following link.

How to add modules is explained in the following article.

API Key / Email Authentication Error

If the following dialog is displayed during upload, an authentication error has occurred.

Authentication Error

Authentication Error

If this is the case, try to review Email and API Key in Asset Uploader Settings.

Check Email and API Key

Not connected to STYLY account

Error when not connected to your STYLY account

Error when not connected to your STYLY account

The STYLY Plugin for Unity needs to be connected to the account you are uploading to.
If it is not connected to your account, you will see the following error message

「〇〇(name of Prefab):You don’t have a account settings. [STYLY/Asset Uploader Settings]

Connect your account to the STYLY Plugin for Unity and upload it again.
Use the following article as a guide to connect.

You cannot use scripts

C#, the programming language used in Unity, is not supported on STYLY.
Therefore, uploading a scene that contains a prefab with a C# script or an object with a C# script will not work.
To implement object control and interaction on STYLY, use “PlayMaker”.

For more information about PlayMaker, please refer to the following article.

Regarding the capacity limit for Unity uploads

We recommend that assets uploaded from Unity to STYLY be less than 20MB for Prefab and less than 100MB for Scene. (As of November 2021)
For the latest information on file sizes for uploading to STYLY, please refer to the following

There are several ways to reduce the size of your assets, but as a typical example, please refer to the following article.

Regarding STYLY’s capacity limit

When uploading a prefab scene from Unity, you should be aware that there is a limit to the amount of space you can upload on STYLY.
In STYLY, you can place assets up to about 1.7GB.
As for capacity, the bottom right corner will show you the space you are currently using.

Capacity is displayed in the lower right corner

Capacity is displayed in the lower right corner

If you exceed this capacity, you will not be able to place any assets in the scene.
If you try to exceed the capacity, the following window will appear.

Capacity limit error

Capacity limit error

If this is displayed, you will need to recreate the scene again.
Also, if the capacity increases too much, the operations in the scene will become very heavy.
Pay attention to the capacity when creating assets in Unity.

If you are unable to open STYLT Studio due to Out of Memory, please refer to the following for the solution.

How to Reduce Upload Time in Unity

There are several ways to reduce the upload time as much as possible, but one way is to refer to the following article.

Make sure you’re working efficiently!