The “Shelter Set” asset is an asset that allows you to experience what a shelter would look like in the event of a disaster through STYLY, and to check the number of people it can accommodate.
Use this asset to conduct drills and inspections to be prepared in case of an emergency.
How to use the asset
You can find the asset at the following location.

Click 3D object

Click Featured

Click Shelter Set

Shelter Set Lists
Asset List
This is a large gymnasium asset that can accommodate one full basketball court.
It can be used for various purposes, not limited to shelters.
Turn off the initial lights on Studio when using.
A medium-sized cardboard cot.
A medium-sized partition made of fabric and paper pipe for privacy and quarantine purposes.
This is a medium-sized tent-type portable toilet.
It is normally used outdoors.
Medium size supplies and other assets.
Asset Usage Example
We can place partitions inside the gymnasium to see how many people can be accommodated and what kind of arrangement is best.
Also, by placing cots and other items inside the partitions and viewing them in AR, you can get a sense of their actual size.