Particles in the STYLY VIVE ver
In this article, I am going to introduce one of my favorite assets for Unity, that you can use in STYLY.
The asset I am going to introduce today, is an asset called “Unity Particle Pack 5.x”.
“Unity Particle Pack 5.x” is a particle that you can create flames with, and you can use it for free.
You can use this asset when you want to create flames in STYLY.
First, I will give you a brief overview of the asset.
Then, I will explain how to download and import the asset to Unity, and how to upload the asset to STYLY.
You can experience the “Unity Particle Pack 5.x” asset in VR in the STYLY GALLERY.
Unity Particle Pack 5.x

Unity Particle Pack 5.x 1

Unity Particle Pack 5.x 2
Total file size : 97.3MB
Supported Unity Version : from 5.5.0 and higher
Asset Store URL https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/asset-packs/unity-particle-pack-5-x-73777
Downloading and Importing to Unity
So, lets access the Unity Asset Store from Unity, and download and import “Unity Particle Pack 5.x”.
For details of how to download and import assets from the store, please refer to this article.
For those who are already familiar, search for “Unity Particle Pack 5.x”, and download it.

Search for Unity Particle Pack 5.x
Uploading to STYLY
Let’s upload the “Unity Particle Pack 5.x” asset to STYLY.
For details of how to upload assets to STYLY, please refer to this article.
If you want to upload a whole scene to STYLY, please refer to this article.
The GIF image below is the uploaded asset in the STYLY Web Editor.

Check the asset in the Web Editor
By using assets from the Unity asset store, we can easily create scenes like this.
There are 6 different flames in the scene, but by deleting the flames that you do not need, you can upload the flames you want to STYLY.
Please find a flame you like from the Scene window.

Unity Particle Pack 5.x Hierarchy window