Understanding Assets Which You Can Import into a Scene

In this article, we will introduce the types of assets that can be placed in Scene and how to place them.
The types of assets that can be placed are My upload, 3D object, 2D object, Environment, Particle, Filter, Function, and External media. 


Asset button

An asset is a component that creates a Scene.
Click the asset button from the menu field on the upper left of STYLY Studio to display the asset selection screen where you can select an asset.

Asset selection screen

Asset selection screen

My Uploads

My uploads has five functions: Unity, 3D model, Image, Music, and Video, allowing you to upload your own image data (png, jpeg, gif) and sound files.


From Unity in My uploads, you can add 3D models uploaded to STYLY via Unity from your own PC.

My uploads→Unity

My uploads→Unity

Unity List

Unity List

For more information, please see below.

3D model

My Uploads 3D model allows you to upload a 3D model from your own PC to STYLY.

My  Uploads screen

My Uploads screen

The data format of the 3D model corresponds to the following.

  • FBX
  • Blender
  • glTF(zip file)

Introducing how to upload OBJ + MTL + JPEG files. Other formats can be uploaded in the same way.
* Only glTF, upload with zip or glb file including glTF file

Click the [Select ..] button.

Click the [Select ..] button

Click the [Select ..] button

Select OBJ file, MTL file, JPEG file.

OBJ + MTL + JPEG file Upload method 2

Enter the file name in the upload file name form and click the [Upload] button.

click the [Upload] button

click the [Upload] butto

You can check the status during upload. Introducing the types of status.

  • Waiting
  • Processing
  • Completed
  • Failed


When the status becomes Completed, Upload is complete.
You can view the latest status by clicking the Update Status button during Upload.

Update button

Update button

The uploaded 3D model will be displayed in My Models and can be placed in the Scene.

My Models list

My Models list


Data from “Sketchfab“, a 3D model sharing / posting service, can also be uploaded to STYLY.
When you find your favorite 3D model from the 3D model list, click it to move to the details page.

The Download button is displayed at the bottom left of the details page (* It will not be displayed if download is not permitted), so click it. Select either Original format or Autoconverted format (glTF) and click the download button to start downloading.
The glTF format allows you to upload the downloaded file to STYLY as it is, so if you do not want to edit the 3D model, please download glTF.
glTF is downloaded as a zip file, but please upload it to STYLY as a zip file.
For more information about Sketchfab, including account registration, please see the following articles.


Image allows you to place images.
The image format supports PNG, JPEG, and GIF.
We also have several types of image screens.
You can also make the image look like a Skybox, or make the image look like it’s moving. Now, I will show you how to upload images.

STYLY Studio screen Image

Click the Select .. button.

Image Upload Method 1

Image Upload Method 1

Select the image you want to upload (JPG file, PNG file, GIF file).

Image Upload Method 2

Click the Upload button.

Image Upload Method 3

Image Upload Method 3


After the upload is complete, click the [Next] button.

Image Upload Method 4

Image Upload Method 4

Select what kind of screen you want the image to fit on.
Introducing some screens.
Regular Screens mainly include screens with different size ratios, screens with different shapes, and 360 ° screens.
3D Rotating Screens are three-dimensional and moving screens.

Screen selection screen

Screen selection screen

  • Square Screen
  • 16:9 Screen
  • Original Aspect Screen
  • Curved Screen
  • Tunnel Screen

Regular Screens

The 360 ° Screen allows you to place the image as a celestial sphere, much like a Skybox.



  • Rotating Cube
  • Rotating Slanted
  • Rotating Sphere
  • Rotating ICO Sphere
  • Rotating Star

Rotating Cube

Rotating Slanted

Rotating Sphere

Rotating ICO Sphere

Rotating Star

You can also hold exhibitions and solo exhibitions in VR simply by placing your own photos and illustrations on the Scene on various screens.

See below for examples of creating scenes with images and videos.


Music can be arranged in Music.

It can be placed from MP3 format files.

Asset list screen Music

Asset list screen Music

Introducing how to arrange MP3 files. Click the Select .. button.

Music MP3 file placement method 1

Music MP3 file placement method 1

Select the music (MP3 file) you want to place.

Music MP3 file placement method 2

Click the Upload button.

Music MP3 file placement method 3

Music MP3 file placement method 3


After the upload is complete, click the [Next] button.

Music MP3 file placement method 4

Music MP3 file placement method 4

If you want to play the music repeatedly, select Music player (loop).
If you want to play the music only once, select Music player (once).

Music MP3 file placement method 5

Music MP3 file placement method 5

Once uploaded, the file is in My Uploads. 

Music MP3 file placement method 6

Music MP3 file placement method 6

Multiple Music can be placed, but they will be played in duplicate, so click on the eye icon to hide (turn off) the music you want to turn off.

Music 複数入れた場合

If you put more than one Music

See below for examples of scenes created using sound


Video allows you to place YouTube videos. I will introduce the placement method.



Click on Video to select the format in which to display the video.

Display Format

Display Format

After selecting the format to import, select the video file you want to upload and click ADD TO SCENE to add the video to the scene.

First, select the white box labeled “Video upload”.

Select Video upload

Select Video upload

Next, wait for the data to upload, which may take some time.

Uploading screen

Uploading screen

If the upload is successful, it will be marked as “mov” as shown below. select ADD TO SCENE to place it in the scene.

Upload Success Screen

Upload Success Screen

See below for examples of creating scenes with images and videos.

3D Object

The 3D Object menu allows you to place Models that can be used within STYLY.
Each category is introduced below.

3D object

3D object


A collection of geometric objects.



See below for details.

Official Model 

It is an official STYLY model, so the size and other features have been optimized.

Scene presets and characters can be used.

Official Model

Official Model


Model allows you to place 3D models.

Some adjustments may be necessary when using the model because it is not STYLY’s own model.

There are assets such as plants, clothes, furniture, animals, and buildings.

Example of Model List

Example of Model List

You can also search by entering a search word in the search form.

Search field

Search field


In Featured, assets with a unified style can be used in a scene, such as “Disaster set,” “Museum set,” etc.



Please see below for examples of asset utilization.


In Environment, there are assets (Skybox, Floor, Light, Scene) that are the basis of Scene.




Skybox is a celestial sphere that covers the entire screen.



Skybox list

Skybox list

You can greatly change the image of Scene by changing Skybox.

It looks like changing Skybox

See below for details.


Floor is the floor / ground. After deploying Skybox, let’s set Floor.



Floor list

Floor list

By arranging Skybox and Floor, I was able to make a base for Scene.

It looks like changing the floor


Light is a light source that illuminates the entire space like the sun.
If you don’t have enough light, place the Light in the Scene.



Also, to adjust the light, first select the Directional Light on the scene. Next, you can change the angle of the light that illuminates the 3D model by displaying the manipulator for rotation with the E key and rotating the direction that the light points.

How to change the angle of light

See below for details.


Scenes have assets about the location and space of the scene.



Scene list

Scene list

Please see below for examples of asset utilization.


Particles allow you to place particles such as stars, flames, lightning, and rainbows in the Scene.



Prticle List

Prticle List

* What are particles?
A mechanism to generate and move many small dots. By placing a plate polygon or model at that point, you can produce smoke, flames, magic effects, etc.

DustSparkle RedをStudioに配置した様子

Dust Sparkle Red placed in Studio

See below for an example of creating a scene using particles.


Filter allows you to filter Scenes.



Asset list screen Filter

Asset list screen Filter

There are 10 types such as Cool, Night and Heaven. You can easily create an artistic scene.

Filter usage example

Filter usage example

Using various filters, I was able to quickly edit Scenes with different atmospheres.
By using different filters in this way, you can produce various effects.


With Function, you can apply effects to the entire scene, such as settings suitable for VR/AR spaces and collision detection.



Function list

Function list

See below for an explanation of each function of Function and an example of creating a scene using it.

External media

 External media can place HoloStream videos.

External media

External media

See below for an example of creating a scene using External media.